Superior Public Library

"Since the beginning, dedication has been the whole story of Superior Public Library. It is our hope that this dedicated leadership will continue into the future and that it will go on to greater growth in service to our community."

-- Josie Campos, Librarian

We are funded by Town funds and are affiliated with the Pinal County Library District which provides some funding as well as much needed support. We also receive support from the Friends of the Superior Public Library, Inc.

A Short History of Superior Public Library

Superior Public Library has come a long way since it first opened in October of 1952. The library was housed in a tiny building belonging to Pinal County, in an alley behind the jail.

The first small collection of books was donated by the citizens of the community through book drives held by various organizations and the first book purchases were made possible by a fund left by a defunct Women’s Club and a three day celebration held at the time of the Queen Creek Tunnel dedication on Highway 60-70 in 1953.

In 1957 the library moved to new and larger quarters made possible by a campaign to raise $10,000. The campaign met with enthusiasm and wholehearted support from the community, raising an amount of $18,000.

Many, many people and organizations worked long and hard so that Superior would have a library. As a result of this campaign, the library board was given the TRUSTEES AWARD by the Arizona Library Association in 1960.

When Superior incorporated in 1976 the Town took over the library and in September of 1984 construction began on expanding the building, which was made possible through LSCA funds. The project was completed in December.

"Our library has a collection of more than 15,000 books. We also provide audio/video material, newspapers, magazines, computers, internet access, copiers, and special programs."
-- Lucy Robles

99 Kellner Ave.
Superior, AZ. 85273
520-689-5809 (FAX)
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